Month: December 2007

Scalding Hot!

Virginia Beach, VA. 12/27/2007 - After finishing a nice Christmas dinner at my sisters house, I decided to help out with the dishes. OUCH! The hot water tap was so hot that the reflex of jumping back almost caused me to elbow my Mom in the stomach. Of course my...

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New-home defects often missed

Many people are under the misconception that new homes don't need an inspection because after all, they are new and the city municipal inspection should cover that right?.....Wrong! Experienced home inspectors have learned that all new homes have defects of one kind...

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Merry Christmas

A Holiday House Poem Buy now you must be settled in to a house that's now your home, More than just sticks and bricks but a place that's all your own. Where life unfolds with dreams untold your castle of memories will forever holdMay your home be filled with Christmas...

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